Cronus Internet

Why Your Business Should Utilize A Wide Area Network


A wide area network, also known as a WAN, is a large network of connections that is accessible over a particular area. WANs are used by businesses for reasons including communication, data transmission, and overall better information sharing. But why exactly does YOUR business need a wide area network?

What Is a Wide Area Network?

Wide area networks are a form of intercommunication networks that help your business stay connected both locally and across the globe. WANs are the largest and most efficient series of computer networks that are currently available commercially.  

These networks are often established by Internet service providers that then commission their WANs to other businesses. Customers can use the network to relay and store data or communicate with other users, no matter their location. As long as they have access to the established WAN. 

What Is the Purpose of a WAN Connection?

WAN connections make it more convenient for businesses to connect across longer distances. This way businesses aren’t restricted to working collaboratively in one geographic area. Many businesses can benefit from having access to resources and communication they otherwise wouldn’t have without a WAN.

 As organizations grow and become international, WANs allow them to communicate between branches, share information, and stay connected. When employees travel for work, WANs make it easier to access information during their time away. WANs also help businesses share information with customers and other business collaborators. Everyone involved in your business will benefit from being plugged into a WAN connection. 

Difference Between Wide Area Network and Local Area Network

The distinction between a Wide Area Network (WAN) and a Local Area Network lies in their scope and scale. A Local Area Network encompasses a confined geographical area. Such as within a single building or campus, connecting devices like computers, printers, and servers. 

Local Area Networks (LANs) offer high data transfer rates and low latency, ideal for supporting tasks within a limited area. In contrast, a Wide Area Network spans larger distances, connecting multiple LANs across cities, countries, or even continents. WANs use router and leased lines to facilitate data transmission over extended areas. But they typically exhibit higher latency due to the larger distances involved. 

While LANs excel in local resource sharing and quick communication, WANs are designed to enable seamless connectivity among geographically dispersed locations, supporting tasks that demand broader access and collaboration.

The Different Types of Wide Area Network

There are several different types of WANs, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Private WANs are owned and operated by a single organization, which gives them more control over the network. However, they can be more expensive to set up and maintain. 

Public WANs are shared by multiple organizations, which can save money. However, they may not be as secure as private WANs. Virtual private networks (VPNs) are a type of private WAN that uses the public internet to create a secure connection. This can be a good option for businesses that need to connect remote offices or employees.

Here are some of the most common types of WANs:

  • Circuit-switched WANs: These WANs use dedicated links between each location, which provides guaranteed bandwidth and reliability. However, they can be expensive, especially for long distances.

  • Packet-switched WANs: These WANs use shared links between locations, which can be more cost-effective than circuit-switched WANs. However, they may not provide the same level of reliability or bandwidth.

  • Leased lines: These are dedicated lines that are leased from a telecommunications provider. They offer guaranteed bandwidth and reliability, but they can be expensive.

  • Metro Ethernet: This is a type of packet-switched WAN that uses Ethernet technology. It is a cost-effective option for connecting locations within a metropolitan area.

  • Internet Protocol (IP) VPNs: These VPNs use the public internet to create a secure connection between two or more locations. They are a cost-effective option for businesses that need to connect remote offices or employees.

The best type of WAN for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Consider factors such as your budget, your bandwidth requirements, and your security needs when making your decision.

Secure Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) Revolution

The secure SD-WAN revolution has ushered in a transformative era of network management and connectivity. By decoupling the control and data planes of traditional WANs, secure SD-WAN introduces unprecedented security and adaptability to network architectures. 

This revolution is characterized by dynamic traffic routing and management, enabling organizations to intelligently distribute data across multiple pathways, securing performance and mitigating congestion. Secure SD-WAN’s centralized management console empowers administrators to adjust network policies in real time, ensuring that critical applications receive priority while less essential traffic is securely managed. 

This shift towards a more software-driven, flexible approach has not only enhanced operational efficiency but also reduced costs by making secure use of both public and private network connections. As the secure SD-WAN revolution continues to reshape how businesses approach wide area networking, it paves the way for a future where networks can swiftly respond to evolving demands, ultimately securing the performance, reliability, and scalability of modern enterprise connectivity.

The term “secure SD-WAN” refers to a SD-WAN solution that has been designed with security in mind. This means that the solution includes features such as encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection and prevention systems to protect the network from a variety of threats.

Benefits of Using a Secure SD-WAN

  • Improved security. A secure SD-WAN solution can help to protect the network from a variety of threats, including malware, ransomware, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

  • Increased agility. A secure SD-WAN solution can help businesses to be more agile by providing them with the flexibility to connect to different networks and services.

  • Reduced costs. A secure SD-WAN solution can help businesses to reduce costs by optimizing network traffic and making efficient use of both public and private network connections.

  • Improved performance. A secure SD-WAN solution can help to improve network performance by reducing latency and ensuring that critical applications receive priority.

If you are looking for a way to improve the security of your network, a secure SD-WAN solution is a good option.

Advantages of Wide Area Network

The advantages of Wide Area Networks (WANs) are undeniable, reshaping the way businesses operate and communicate in today’s interconnected world. One of the foremost benefits lies in their ability to seamlessly connect remote offices and branches, transcending geographical barriers and fostering efficient collaboration. 

With WANs, organizations can centralize their data management and security protocols, ensuring a cohesive approach to safeguarding valuable information. Furthermore, WANs enable the streamlined sharing of resources, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing redundancies. 

Through these advantages, WANs empower businesses to optimize their operations, amplify productivity, and stay competitive in an increasingly globalized marketplace.

Key Components of a Robust WAN Infrastructure

A robust Wide Area Network (WAN) infrastructure hinges upon the integration of key components that collectively ensure seamless internet connectivity and efficient data exchange. At its core, network router and switches form the dynamic framework that guides data packets across vast distances, enabling communication between geographically dispersed locations. 

To optimize performance, WAN acceleration and optimization technologies come into play, mitigating latency and enhancing the speed of data transmission. As businesses embrace cloud computing, the integration of cloud resources becomes a pivotal aspect, enabling remote teams to collaborate and access shared applications effortlessly. 

Redundancy mechanisms, including failover and load balancing, provide the necessary reliability for uninterrupted operation, safeguarding against disruptions. In sum, these key components coalesce to establish a resilient WAN infrastructure that acts as a backbone for modern enterprises to thrive in the digital age.

Scalability and Flexibility with WANs

These two are important considerations when choosing a WAN for your business. Scalability refers to the ability of the WAN to grow and adapt to changes in your business needs. Flexibility refers to the ability of the WAN to be configured to meet the specific needs of your business.

There are a number of WAN technologies that offer both scalability and flexibility. For example, software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) uses software to control the network, which makes it easier to scale and adapt the network to meet changing needs.

When choosing a WAN for your business, it is important to consider your future growth plans. If you expect your business to grow rapidly, you will need to choose a WAN that can scale to meet your needs. You will also need to consider the specific needs of your business, such as the type of applications you use and the amount of bandwidth you need.

Here are some specific examples of how scalability and flexibility can benefit businesses:

  1. A business that is expanding into new markets can use a scalable WAN to connect its new offices to its existing network.

  2. A business that is introducing new applications can use a flexible WAN to configure the network to meet the specific needs of those applications.

  3. A business that is experiencing fluctuating traffic patterns can use a flexible WAN to optimize the network for those patterns.

By choosing a WAN that offers both scalability and flexibility, businesses can ensure that their network can meet their needs today and in the future.

Enhancing Data Security and Privacy

In an era characterized by digital interactions and data-driven processes, enhancing data security and privacy has become an imperative for individuals and organizations alike. Robust cyber security measures, such as encryption protocols, play a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive information during its transit across networks. 

Additionally, the implementation of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) establishes secure channels for remote access, ensuring that data remains protected even when accessed from outside the confines of a trusted network. Adhering to stringent compliance standards further fortifies data security, especially when dealing with regulations governing cross-border data flows. 

By prioritizing data security and privacy, individuals can confidently engage in online activities, while businesses can build trust with customers and partners, ultimately contributing to a safer digital ecosystem.

Challenges and Solutions in WAN Deployment

WAN deployment can be a challenging task, as there are many factors to consider, such as the type of WAN, the bandwidth requirements, the security needs, and the budget. Some of the challenges that may be encountered during WAN deployment include:

  • Choosing the right WAN technology. There are many different WAN technologies available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The right WAN technology for a business will depend on its specific needs and requirements.

  • Planning the network topology. The network topology is the layout of the WAN. It is important to plan the network topology carefully to ensure that it meets the business needs.

  • Acquiring the necessary hardware and software. The WAN will require hardware and software, such as routers, switches, and firewalls. It is important to acquire the right hardware and software for the WAN.

  • Configuring the network. The WAN will need to be configured to meet the specific needs of the business. This can be a complex task, and it is important to have the right expertise to do it correctly.

  • Testing the network. The WAN should be tested to ensure that it is working properly. This is important to identify any problems before the WAN is put into production.

There are a number of solutions that can be used to address the challenges of WAN deployment. Some of these solutions include:

  • Using a managed service provider. A managed service provider can help with the planning, deployment, and management of the WAN. This can be a good option for businesses that do not have the expertise to do it themselves.

  • Using software-defined WAN (SD-WAN). SD-WAN is a software-based approach to WAN networking that can simplify the deployment and management of WANs.

  • Using cloud-based WAN solutions. Cloud-based WAN solutions can provide an adaptable way to deploy WANs.

Best Practices for Embracing WANs Effectively

Embracing the potential of Wide Area Networks (WANs) effectively demands a strategic approach founded on best practices that optimize internet connectivity, security, performance, and internet services. Beginning with meticulous planning, organizations should evaluate their unique requirements and design the WAN architecture accordingly. 

Monitoring tools play a critical role in maintaining optimal performance, providing insights into bandwidth usage, latency, and potential bottlenecks. Regular security audits and updates are indispensable to safeguard sensitive data in transit, encompassing encryption protocols and robust firewall configurations. Embracing Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) solutions offers dynamic traffic management and enables cost-effective utilization of multiple network connections. Resulting in efficient data routing, including efficient management of internet services.

Furthermore, cultivating a culture of ongoing training and education ensures that teams stay current with evolving WAN technologies and can harness their benefits to the fullest. By adhering to these best practices, organizations can seamlessly integrate WANs into their operations, driving productivity, collaboration, and growth while optimizing their internet services.

Future Trends in Wide Area Networking

As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the realm of Wide Area Networking (WAN) is poised to witness a transformative shift driven by exciting future trends. The imminent rollout of 5G networks promises to revolutionize WAN capabilities, offering unparalleled speeds and low latency that will redefine remote collaboration and support emerging technologies like IoT and augmented reality, all while maintaining a strong focus on security. 

Furthermore, the integration of edge computing within WAN architectures is set to decentralize data processing. Enabling quicker response times for applications that demand real-time interactions, with enhanced security protocols in place.

Network virtualization is also on the horizon, allowing businesses to create isolated and secure virtual networks within a shared physical infrastructure, enhancing flexibility and resource utilization while prioritizing security. These trends collectively paint a picture of a WAN landscape that will enable more agile, efficient, and dynamic networking solutions to cater to the demands of tomorrow’s digital world, with a steadfast commitment to security at its core.

WANs For Detroit Businesses

Allow your Detroit business to reach its full potential with a wide area network. Cronus Internet services have operated out of Detroit for over a decade. We provide top-notch internet connectivity, great value, and service that Detroit can rely on. Make the switch to internet provider for businesses today to help improve your business!